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Sacred Activism and Self-Care as Catalysts for Positive Change

Webinar Description

Transition for many people has been primarily a platform for shifting out of the fossil fuel economy. Even though more people are now talking about "inner resilience," what does that mean? Is this a purely secular movement? In this presentation, we will discuss the nature of spirituality, self-care, and how we maintain our inner health to feed our action in the world and make us more effective agents for change. We will also look at ways we can share our spirituality and explore what Transition's role should or could be in terms of spiritual support.


Jul Bystrova is a Holistic Healing Practitioner, Ordained Interfaith Minister, longtime community organizer/activist and holds a Masters in Philosophy. Her main interests are finding tangible ways of building bridges between perspectives and communities, healing ourselves, reconnecting to the Earth and hosting conversations that catalyze positive change. She has been a leader in the Inner Transition work in Sonoma County CA and started a Transition health group and network which has since evolved into its own nonprofit organization called Era of Care.