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Deep Resilience: From Me to We

Teleseminar Description

This Teleseminar will focus on the inner transition, the changes we need to make within ourselves to transition to the more caring, equitable, beautiful, sustainable and resilient world... (Transition Network). This is a preview of a longer day-long intensive. In this Teleseminar we’ll peek into the broad world of inner transition and then engage in an overview of one particular facet — deep resilience, the constellation of internal qualities that enable us to both “weather the storms” and mature into well-balanced human beings. 

We will explore:

  • The unique stressors and personal challenges we face as change-makers that can threaten our wellbeing, hinder our human potential and compromise our capacity to serve
  • The cost of non-resilience to us as individuals and to the movement
  • The inner qualities that comprise a flourishing state of resilience
  • Ways to cultivate these qualities in order to skillfully catalyze positive transformation in our communities and within ourselves


During the last four decades, Rebecca Blanco has served as an eco-centered psychotherapist, presented an array of personal growth workshops, and completed a Masters and a Doctorate. Feeling concerned about the severe challenges we are facing, Rebecca delved into eco-psychology and deep ecology, perspectives that enable us to understand the interconnections between ecological-social-psychological forces and the manner in which these reveal the complexity of our planetary crisis. Rebeccaparticipated in numerous programs/trainings, including the Transition Trainer Course, Permaculture Design Course, consultations with eco-psychology instructor Andy Fisher, Ph.D., Animas Valley Institute's wilderness-based programs, The Work That Reconnects, and an Awakening the Dreamer Facilitator Training. As the founder/chairperson of The Bridge, a community-oriented organization designed to explore paradigm-shifting ideas, Rebecca has organized over 100 educational events. She is full-heartedly dedicated to facilitating workshops that support eco-centered personal transformation.

Presenter Slides